Elbow Injuries - Elbow Dislocations
Elbow Injuries: Elbow Dislocation
X-ray views
- AP Elbow
- Lateral
Acute Management
If Simple Posterior Dislocation
- Closed reduction
- Observe post reduction for delayed signs of vascular or compartment syndrome
- Long arm posterior splint with elbow in 90 degree flexion
Follow Up Timing
- Vascular Injury
- Open Dislocation
- Unable to successfully close reduce the elbow
Urgent (<3 days)
- Especially for complex dislocation, anterior dislocation or peripheral nerve injury
Less Urgent (< 7 days)
- For simple posterior dislocations without neurovascular compromise
- 1 week of immobilization with early range of motion exercises
- Simple: No associated fracture
- Complex: Associated with elbow fracture (1/3 of elbow dislocations)
Terrible Triad:
- Elbow Dislocation
- Coronoid process fracture
- Radial head fracture
- Ulnar nerve neuropraxia (14%)
- Median nerve and brachial artery injuries (more common with anterior and open dislocations)
- Compartment syndrome
- Available at: http://www.wheelessonline.com/ortho/dislocations_of_the_elbow. Accessed August 1, 2017. [Source]