Ventilator Setting for Obstructive Lung Disease
Ventilator Setting for Obstructive Lung Disease
Goal in obstruction (asthma/COPD)
Give the patient time to exhale
Initial vent settings for patient with predicted Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = 70 kg (5'9" male; 5'11" female)
Ventilator Mode
Volume Assist Control (AC)
Tidal Volume (Vt)
8 mL/kg Based on ideal body weight (kg)
Inspiratory Flow Rate (IFR)
80-100 L/min
- Increase IFR and ensure adequate sedation if patient uncomfortable or sucking on tube
Respiratory rate (RR)
Start at 10, then adjust to give time to exhale (IMPORTANT)
- Goal I:E of 1:4 or 1:5
- Permissive hypercapnea, as long as pH stays above 7.2
- Prevents air-trapping/auto PEEP
Start at FiO2 100% and PEEP 0-5
- Goal SpO2 = 92-95%
- Can usually quickly titrate down the FiO2
Plateau Pressure (Pplt)
- Goal Pplt <30 cm H2O
- Check after initial settings and at regular intervals thereafter
- Technique: Press inspiratory hold button for 0.5 sec and look at pressure gauge
- If Pplt >30 cm H2O, investigate possible air trapping
Air-Trapping (Auto-PEEP)
- Air trapping (auto-PEEP) = gas trapped in alveoli at end-expiration
- Suspect auto-PEEP if P(plat) >30 cm H2O, or if hypotension develops
- First step is to disconnect vent and allow trapped air to escape
- Prevent further air trapping by decreasing RR and increasing expiratory time
- EMCrit. Available at: Accessed August 1, 2017.
- Brenner B, Corbridge T, Kazzi A. Intubation and mechanical ventilation of the asthmatic patient in respiratory failure. J Emerg Med. 2009 Aug;37(2 Suppl):S23-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2009.06.108. [PubMed]