Approach to Increased Osmolar Gap
Approach to Increased Osmolar Gap
Background and Calculations
Serum osmolality: Contributed by ions and low-molecular-weight solutes
Osmolal gap = Calculated osmolality – Measured osmolality
- Normal OG = -10 to +10 mOsm/kg of H2O
Osmolal gap
- Most common cause: Ethanol
- Osmolal gap calculation includes ethanol correction factor (4.6)
- Osmoloal gap screens for toxic alcohols with decreasing sensitivity:
- Methanol
- Ethanol
- Isopropanol
- Ethylene glycol
- Propylene glycol
- Diethylene glycol
- A gap ≥ 20 suggests ethanol or toxic alcohol exposure
- Although case reports of diabetic ketoacidosis causing osmolal gap ≥ 20
Toxic alcohols
- Parent unmetabolized alcohols --> Contributes to osmolal gap
- Metabolites of alcohols --> Contributes to toxic effects (except isopropanol)
Causes for High anion gap metabolic acidosis + High osmolal gap
Acute kidney injury
Intoxication, salicylates
Intoxication, toxic alcohol
- Methanol
- Ethylene glycol
- Diethylene glycol
- Propylene glycol
- Isopropanol glycol
Ketoacidosis, alcoholic or diabetic
Lactic acidosis
Toxic alcohols may not cause significant osmolal gap because:
- High molecular weight toxic alcohols (eg. propylene glycol, diethylene glycol) do not affect the osmolality as much
- Wide range of normal osmolal gap (can be as low as -10)
- Only the parent alcohol (not the metabolites) causes osmolal gap
Tip: Consider toxic alcohols for cases of high anion gap metabolic acidosis even with normal osmolal gap.
- Kraut JA, Xing SX. Approach to the evaluation of a patient with an increased serum osmolal gap and high-anion-gap metabolic acidosis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Sep;58(3):480-4. [PubMed]