Ottawa Knee, Ankle, and Foot Rules
Ottawa Knee, Ankle, and Foot Rules
Plain film x-rays are indicated if presence of traumatized extremity and ANY of the following findings:
Ottawa Knee Rules
- Patient age ≥55 years
- Isolated tenderness of the patella
- Tenderness at the head of the fibula
- Inability to flex knee to 90 degrees
Inability to walk 4 steps both immediately and in the ED
Performance characteristics (Emparanza et al, Ann Emerg Med (2001))
- Sensitivity 100%
- Reduced x-ray need by 49%
Ottawa Ankle Rules
Exclusion criteria: Patients <18 years old
- Most distal 6 cm of fibula (lateral malleolus): Tenderness at or along posterior edge
- Most distal 6 cm of tibia (medial malleolus): Tenderness at or along posterior edge
- Inability to walk 4 steps both immediately and in the ED
Ottawa Foot Rules
- Tenderness at base of 5th metatarsal
- Tenderness over navicular bone
- Inability to walk 4 steps both immediately and in the ED
Combined Ottawa Ankle and Root Rules
Performance characteristics (Mayer D. BMJ (2009))
- Sensitivity = 97.8%
- Specificity = 31.5%
- Negative LR = 0.07
Pediatric patients: Variable validation data for Ottawa ankle and foot rules
- General rule: Ligaments are stronger than growth plates in children.
- OK to use knee rules in pediatrics based on (Bulloch et al. Ann Emerg Med, 2003)
- Mean age in study = 11.8 years +/- 3.1 years
- Inclusion age range = 2-16 years old
- Mayer D. The injured ankle and foot. BMJ. 2009 Aug 7;339. [PubMed]
- Bulloch B. et al. Validation of the Ottawa Knee Rule in children: a multicenter study. Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-55. [PubMed]
- Emparanza JI. of the Ottawa Knee Rules. Ann Emerg Med. 2001 Oct;38(4):364-8. [PubMed]